We must jog on somehow until business conditions improve. 我们必须慢慢熬到商业情况改善。
True, software developers are often forced to deliver their products prematurely in order to satisfy business conditions. 确实,软件开发人员面对的压力很大,有时在因业务需要,在产品未成熟时就需要交付给顾客。
When business conditions change or stakeholders develop new requirements, we need ways to modify existing code. 当业务环境改变或涉众提出新的需求时,我们需要一些方法来修改现有代码。
They do this by formulating business conditions and automating them using software applications, which is where the IT experts come in. 为实现此目的,保险行业使用软件应用程序来系统表达业务条件并自动化这些条件,这正是IT专家派上用场的地方。
Business time tracks effective dates of certain business conditions, such as interest rates. 业务时间跟踪某些业务条件(比如利率)的生效日期。
More than ever before, business must be able to adapt quickly to changing business conditions. 与之前相比,业务必须比以往任何时候都需要能够快速地适应不断变化的业务条件。
Business time involves tracking when certain business conditions are, were, or will be valid. 业务时间涉及到跟踪某些业务条件在过去、现在或未来的哪个时刻有效。
Dynamically responding to changing business conditions by altering the rules and decisions governing the business. 通过不断改变控制业务的规则和决策,动态地应对业务环境的变化。
This helps make the SOA deployment more dynamic and more adaptable to changing business conditions. 这样可帮助提高SOA部署的动态性和对不断变化的业务条件的适应能力。
But often these business conditions offer a wide range of information-related challenges. 但是,这些业务情形常常会产生许多与信息相关的难题。
The KPMG global business outlook survey, produced three times a year by Markit, measures the confidence companies have in their prospects for the coming year rather than their immediate business conditions, which is measured in the monthly PMI series. 这项毕马威(KPMG)全球商业前景调查由Markit公司提供,每年进行3次,衡量企业对其来年前景、而非即期经营状况的信心,后者通过月度的采购经理人指数中衡量。
SNMP network monitoring analysis of business conditions, the implementation of security policy, real-time monitoring network devices, servers, etc., to ensure network operations performance. SNMP监控与分析企业的网络情况,实施安全策略,实时监控网络设备、服务器等,保证网络的运行状态和性能。
The problems are at their most acute for those large companies that are rated below investment grade and that for one reason or another an accident of timing or a sudden worsening of business conditions need to refinance their debt. 对于评级低于投资级、并且由于这样或那样的原因时机巧合或是业务状况的突然恶化而需要对债务再融资的大型企业来说,问题已经到了最严峻的时刻。
Global business leaders are voicing concerns about deteriorating business conditions for the first time in three years, citing turbulent markets and an expected slowdown in the US. 全球商业领袖三年来首次对不断恶化的商业环境表示出担忧,称原因在于市场动荡和预期中的美国经济增长放缓。
As you watch the product take shape, increment by increment, you can restructure the Product Backlog to incorporate your insights or respond to changes in business conditions. 随着项目的进展,您能够根据你对系统的认识和商务条件的变化而对产品Backlog做出调整。
The Conference Board said more Americans believed business conditions were bad and that jobs were hard to get. 国会发言说大部分的美国人相信美国的经济条件是糟糕的,要在美国找一份工作很难。
Seems to be to get enough attention to unemployment and other signs of weak business conditions. 似乎是要得到足够的重视失业和其他标志的商业条件薄弱。
Special methods and organizational procedures are required, which have to be fulfilled while considering strict business conditions and time schedules at the same time. 为了同时考虑严格的商务条件和时间安排,必须采用特殊的方法和组织流程。
The simulator, an interactive model that reproduces real-life business conditions, aims to help students forecast supply and demand in the world petroleum market. 该模拟器是一种重现现实商业环境的交互模型,旨在帮助学生预测世界石油市场中的供求状况。
Also, some complain that government regulations dealing with business often become obsolete after they are written since business conditions frequently change. 有些人还埋怨,由于企业情况变化频繁,因此政府对企业的调控措施一旦形成文字便成了马后炮了。
In combining and purchasing of an enterprise, the due diligence should be paid more attention to through which the risk of combining and purchasing and the purchasing cost can be assessed, providing the evidence for constructing trade structure and negotiating business conditions. 摘要在进行企业并购时,应重视尽职调查,通过尽职调查可以评估并购风险和收购成本,为构建交易结构和协商交易条件提供依据。
Their earnings can vary greatly, depending on business conditions. 他们的收入可以相差很大,取决于商业环境。
What do business conditions permit? 商业态势所容许的是什么?
Conflicting economic indicators and volatile business conditions make it difficult to take crucial strategic decisions such as whether to hire or fire staff and increase or slash capital expenditure, corporate leaders told the financial times. 美国企业领袖告诉英国《金融时报》,相互矛盾的经济指标和不稳定的商业环境让企业难以作出关键的战略决定,例如增员还是裁员,增加还是削减资本支出。
The general terms and conditions of trade are previously rewarded business conditions. 通用贸易条款已成为商业中普遍采用的条款。
An optimist, especially regarding business conditions. 尤指在商业状况下的乐观进取的人。
How did you find business conditions in europe? 你觉得欧洲的商业状况如何?
But the effectiveness of these innovative solutions is called into question by the speed with which the slowdown is causing business conditions to change. 但由于经济放缓使得企业状况发生改变的速度很快,上述创新解决办法能否见效受到了质疑。
As business owners introduce new requirements to respond to changing business conditions, on demand processes must adapt accordingly. 当商业所有者提出新的需求来回应商业条件的改变时,随需应变流程必须相应地作出调整。